
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Pre-Ramadan preparation

Assalamualaikum and Hi ... it is the 3rd day of Ramadhan today. This is the 2nd year my not so lil sister fasting with me. past few years, she will be fasting at our hometown. knowing how fussy she is, I decided to cook everyday. save some money and can eat home cooked food.

last sunday, I went to Mydin USJ early in the morning just to avoid the traffic jams. bought some vegetables,chicken, few cans of sardines, pasta and  also the sausages.

as for now,  most of the item I bought last week still in my kitchen. seems like it can last for another week. just need to buy some sausage and eggs.

I am aiming cook daily during this Ramadhan. It is the best to eat home cooked meal rather than buying expensive meal.(nowadays, the price for a meal in bazaar doesn't make sense...damn expensive).

that's all for today.

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Yeay! Ramadhan is coming!!

Ramadhan is just around the corner. Cepatnya masa berlalu. this means that Lolemon is almost 1 year old. aiyark..I need to prepare for the road tax, insurance ..and for raya... phew....

well, this time I really need to ignore all those tiring things that I have to go through in order for me to enjoy the home cooked food while saving some cash..

After having my simple dinner( toasted bread with kaya), I do a simple checklist to identify what  ingredients that I have in my small simple kitchen.

hurm.. I found out that I have a lots of item that is enough for entire 2 weeks! Wow! so I just need to add some other food stock that should cost me not more than rm50. untuk orang bujang, kira cukup lah kan. What a great savings. Yeah..I know it is a tiring task to do some cooking after gone through a long day with work and traffic jam etc..etc..

in order to give me more ideas what to cook, I refer to few cooking books belongs to cik abg. Thousands of fantastic interesting ideas I found here. can't wait to share with you all.

that's all for today.. daaa

Friday, June 12, 2015

Part 2: my short vacation #johor

Day 1

Our flight took off from Subang Airport somewhere around 9.00 am.. I know that Fireflyz will serve the muffin or cakes or doughnut(yummy) and i always asked the Flight Attendant if i can have the peanut as well and i always get both peanut plus the muffin/cake/doughnut(mana tak gemuk). That day i was hoping they served cheese muffin but that day it is vanilla muffin.

Our journey took around 1 hr. Tak sempat panas punggung pun. All the time in the plane, i have to keep convincing my sister that traveling by this small plane is not that bad. She started to feel uneasy and i understand that. Asal naik flight je, dia mabuk. Haishh. So, as she has no appetite to eat te delicious muffin and peanut, i kept for her as i am pretty sure she'll be asking for it once we landed.

Here we are.. we reached Senai that morning. I know that this is not a relaxing vacation. This is a shopping vacation. Yeah, i planned to bring my sister to JPO and i did :) ..

My watch is showing 11 am. Not many people here. The weather is good. The nice brownish color building welcomed us(ceewaah). Before we leave to Johor, me and my sister has prepared a list on what to buy so that we will not over budget but i know it is hard to do so.

My sister planned to buy some items from Fossil as we know that it is damn so hard to get discount for Fossil item in KL. The last time i checked, there are up to 50% discount and there are buy 2 and get 1 item for free. When we stepped into the Fossil boutique in JPO, unfortunately, there is nothing that catches my sister's eye. I tried and tried as hard as i can to help her but still no luck.

End up, something catches her attention. The watch strap that is made from leather and exact size as her watch is on sale. It is rm 10 per strap. The last time we checked in KL, it is rm1xx. So, she ends up bought 3 strap here.

After doing some 'excercise' here at JPO, this is our damages:-

Yeah, i have been aiming for Oroton for quite sometimes and yes, it is mine. 
Nike? my sister gone crazy when she reached Nike boutique..haha. Everything is on sale. She got her shoes at rm79 which is considered worth the value. I just grab a pair of Skechers.

from 11am till 5.30 pm seems not enough, All of us are tired. I just want to checked-in to the hotel and soak my foot in a nice hot water.

My next post wil be about my experince staying in Puteri Pacific Johor Bharu. See ya :)