
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Part 1: my short vacation #johor

haaacuuuum.... long time no see aaa... as usual I got the hangat2 tahi ayam disease..hahahaha... but today I am excited to share about my short trip to Johor. hek eleh, p Johor pun nak cerita ke?ekeke..selalunya pi sini atas urusan kerja. So, beg laptop yang agak 'comel' tu sentiasa di bahu.
This time, I took a day leave and I left my precious lappy kat rumah. Vacation laa katakan..haha. I went to Johor with my not so little younger sister. Di sebabkan tahap kemalasan nak drive sangat tinggi, I decided to check kt Firefly kot2 ada luck to get the free seat.
I planned this 2 weeks before the date. Google punya google, godek punya godek, Expedia gave me the best deal. with rm368, I got the return flight ticket for 2 + 1 night stay in Puteri Pacific hotel with breakfast for 2. Sangatlaa berbaloi memandangkan minyak lolemon surely pergi balik dh nak rm200. toll lagi. hotel lagi. so, ianya lebih jimat masa dan duit when travel naik flight. transportation kt sana? Cik abg kan ada. Dia kebetulan kene keje kat sana that week.
so kawan2, kot ada sesiapa nak travel tu.. cer godek2 kot dapat best deals kt expedia. kita compare2 dulu etc :)
well, in my next post, I'll.share details about our trip part 2 pula ya..

#Adek  senyum versi tayang besi kat gigi :)

#Adek's must have item if travelling by plane..